Be sure to pick up your copy of this months (Issue 119) of Digital Photography Magazine to read Q&A, Tips & Tricks, and Lighting Diagrams when shooting with colored gels by your truly!

Digital Photography Magazine, UK is the ultimate monthly photography magazine focusing on the continually evolving quality and scope of today’s digital marketplace. Aimed towards digital photography enthusiasts and professionals, every issue readers are treated to interviews with leading expert photographers, cutting-edge imagery, practical shooting advice and the very latest high-end digital news and equipment reviews. Designed to capture and inspire readers, features are full of practical shooting advice and tips from top professionals, giving you the chance to learn new tricks and fine-tune your skills. Whether you’re a part-time amateur or a full-time pro, Digital Photographer aims to challenge and motivate you to take your best shot.

I was interviewed for the article “Creative Flash: Get experimental in the studio and start creating fantastic flash effects.” In side the Masterclass article, separate photographers were interviewed on different creative techniques. I was picked to discuss lighting with gels.

Pick up your copy of this Issue, in stores Thursday, February 23, 2012!