As December and twenty-twelve come to end tonight, as most, I am left reflecting on this past year; the months, the days, the best and the worst. I can only hope that with each year, I will continue to learn and grow as a photographer and as a person. I hope to never forget where I came from but never stop moving forward. I hope I never loose sight of why I got into photography and art in the first place. And I hope I never stop doing the things that scare me most.

December was a wonderful month. I surrounded myself with beautiful individuals, learned some valuable lessons, stayed motivated and never stopped pushing myself to higher standards. I hope all months can take on this essence.

Follow me through twenty-thirteen on Instagram

This year has been a roller coaster ride of self discovery, growing up, and being self employed. All though sometimes I’ve wanted to give up I am so glad (with the help of my support system) I was able to push through. In retrospect, I accomplished a lot of my goals from last year, photographed some awesome stories, and I continue to evolve with each new year. I couldn’t be happier to start another chapter in my life.

I am looking forward to seeing what this year will bring. I’m excited to continue to work towards my dreams, create new works of art, meet more beautiful and inspiring people, live a healthier lifestyle, get shit done, travel more, stay motivated, push myself outside of my comfort zone, and not be afraid to say ‘no.’

Thank you to everyone who has been apart of my journey, my growth, and my passion.

You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling.
xx, J